There were no sponsors but the little we had we put into judicious use. This, however, didn't stop our volunteers from coming all out. Read more on Appreciation - World Hepatitis Day Event
A week ago I saw first hand the effect of the multiple killings by herdsmen in my clinic.
The Anglican junior seminary in Gidan Waya houses little children in boarding houses, employing good hearted teachers to teach, cook and care for them. I am talking about children within the ages of 5-10years. Read more about this story on Little Fatherless We welcome you to the month of April.
Have faith in science, go get your jab while you still can. It is safe. We welcome you to the month of March. We hope this month ushers in good health and peace of mind to you all.
More importantly, we pray for more genuine concern and philanthropy towards the health of our brothers and sisters in the rural areas.
Over 10m people fell ill with tuberculosis world wide, 1.4m died of TB and 465,000 were diagnosed with drug resistant TB in 2019 only, a public health crisis!
The Rural Doctor with Dr. Okeme partnered with Kateri Medical Services to present a two day sensitization and awareness day for World Tuberculosis. We welcomed an early Valentine's day gift (in the dark), treated a terrible burn wound and saw a remarkable recovery in the midst of COVID19 pandemic slowly starting to show in our community.
For a list of stories click read more. We started the year dealing with drug resistant malaria and operating by mobile phone light. We also treated 18 patients of a terrible bus accident. In the mist of all this craziness we made sure to cherish baby cuddle moments while counting every blessing taking us into the new year.
Follow the links below to see some cute baby movies! What an amazing December being blessed with the survival of mother and child and seeing Bangeskiya thrive! Our community is terrorized by social vices but we are keeping up with COVID19.
Click below to see me bleeding myself to optimize my patients! By Dr. Arome Okeme, Chief Medical Officer
The Arthur and Esther Bradley Memorial Anglican Hospital in Gidan Waya Written by Dr. Okeme Arome Romey
Raymond came to our clinic in Gidan Waya, barely able to breathe. He managed a smile. His feet up to the thighs were massively swollen. My fingers dug deep into them leaving behind their prints. His nostrils flared. When I listened to his heart it was wrapped in a blanket of murmurs. The lung fields, especially the lower parts, were like fine waves from the silent gushes of waters from the sea reaching for the shores in a cool calm thick night. He was drowning in his own fluid. |
August 2024