Here is a young woman with her kids and husband who was saved from the edge of death in our facility.
This patient is a 32-year-old young man with a wife and two children who presented in shock with Typhoid intestinal perforation.
A young woman who was pregnant was rushed into the emergency room on account of prolonged labor. On examination, we discovered she had obstructed labor complicated by placenta Abruptio (premature detachment of the placenta) with severe fetal distress and imminent uterine rupture.
Many of the people our clinics serve are in rural areas where there is no other medical facility available. Many of the people who visit our clinics do so as a last resort, after trying traditional healing methods and rituals - which is all they have ever known). Trained medical doctors are a new idea to many of these people. Often they come reluctantly, after all other methods have failed.
The following account is reported by Dr. Kenneth Ayenge , who is the lead doctor at the Arthur and Esther Bradley Memorial Anglican Hospital in Gidan Waya (Diocese of Kafanchan). In 2021, we helped 11,905 patients in our six regular clinics plus 2,873 through our medical outreach missions for a total of 14,778 people served. See a breakdown below:
Arthur and Esther Bradley Memorial Anglican Hospital in Gidan Waya required some updates because of the growing number of patients since opening this new hospital in 2018.
We dedicated this new hospital in 2018. It is the only medical facility in a small city of about 40,000 people and also serves a region of small rural villages.
Over 10m people fell ill with tuberculosis world wide, 1.4m died of TB and 465,000 were diagnosed with drug resistant TB in 2019 only, a public health crisis!
The Rural Doctor with Dr. Okeme partnered with Kateri Medical Services to present a two day sensitization and awareness day for World Tuberculosis. What an amazing December being blessed with the survival of mother and child and seeing Bangeskiya thrive! Our community is terrorized by social vices but we are keeping up with COVID19.
Click below to see me bleeding myself to optimize my patients! By Dr. Arome Okeme, Chief Medical Officer
The Arthur and Esther Bradley Memorial Anglican Hospital in Gidan Waya |
December 2023